Fuel For Your Thinking

Welcome to a new week 😀

We’re quoting coach Dave Kibby at the start of this week: “It’s your thoughts that govern what kind of week lies ahead…not your diary.”

What kind of week will you create? 

Here’s a delicious menu of things to dip into…

A Question: What’s in a name? 

We’ve been thinking; we call this digital space we’re in, the Club, but the word ‘club’ doesn’t really say much about it’s purpose.

Our aspiration is for it to be an oasis of calm; a safe, generative space you can escape to and engage with other brilliant humans and immerse yourself in a pause so you might be inspired by your own wisdom, and the wisdom of others. So, ‘club’ doesn’t quite cover it, does it?

We’d love to know what you think. We have some options (ignore formatting, that’s just to make the picture pretty) for you below. Which name do you like best?

An Activity: Making a Micro-Culture

We’ve been using the cards to shape the micro-culture of teams recently. It’s a simple sorting exercise, inspired by a question:

Which cards describe the culture we will create?

The words of the questions are carefully chosen. Then, sifting, whittling down and defining follows until you have a small selection of ‘ways of being’ that you want to see, hear and feel in your culture. Use that as a guide for agreeing expectations, celebrating success and appreciating individual behaviours. What else would you add?

Events For Gathering Together

We hosted Coach’s Assembly last week on the question of “Does Coaching Really Work?” We’ll share some of the wisdom and insights over the next few days once we have edited the recording.

We have Card School on Monday 29th April at 3.45pm. If you want to come along and play you can book a place here, and if you’d like to bring a friend along, please do.


Here’s an opportunity to pause for a few minutes and let yourself notice what finds you in this short video from the Soul Biographies series by Nic Askew. As always, it’s full of breathtaking simplicity. We encourage you to sign up to his site so you can explore more for yourself.


Soul Biographies Inner View

Wishing you an amazing week, created exactly to your design.

With love,


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